What do I have to know when managing a cashbook

Written by Jens B.

Last published at: February 19th, 2025

Step by step

Remember the following points when managing your orderbird cashbook, and the next financial audit will be a breeze:

  • Prompt  
    Enter your income and expenses at least once a day.
  • Complete  
    All cash receipts and expenditures belong completely in the cash book.
  • Ordered  
    Always enter the cash movements in chronological order.
  • One receipt for one booking  
    You can photograph invoices or receipts with the camera of your iPad and save them directly in the cash book. For all other cases, you create your own receipt. Please keep all paper receipts and Z receipts in accordance with the legal deadlines and make copies of them!
  • Frequent cash register check  
    Compare the actual stock with the target stock at least once a day. The counting protocol, which you can find under "Cash register crash", will help you to do this. A cash register crash is indispensable!
  • Minimum of €0 in the cash register  
    Cash on hand must never be negative.
  • Use the Comment Function  
    For special entries and correction entries, explain exactly what happened. This will make the work of the auditor easier and save you any trouble.

Please note: orderbird does not provide legal or tax advice!

Everything we write reflects our experience and the experiences of our customers. Any information related to legal or tax aspects should not be considered legal or tax advice under any circumstances. Therefore, a procedure we describe may not be applicable to you or your business specifically.

For definitive statements, please consult your tax advisor. orderbird disclaims any liability for the accuracy, correctness, and completeness of the information provided here regarding tax-related procedures.



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