All about card payment with orderbird PRO

Written by Jens B.

Last published at: September 19th, 2024

Here you can find out how card payments work, how contactless payment with NFC works, which payment apps and mobile payments are supported, and more.

Everything at a glance

How do payments work in detail?

  • The amount of the invoice is displayed on the card reader.
  • You then insert the card into the card reader:
    • If it is a Maestro/VPay (EC-) card, the card reader will now request the card's PIN.
    • A signature or PIN entry is required if it is a credit card (MasterCard/ Visa/ JCB/ Diners Club/ Discover/ ChinaUnionPay).
      Good to know: The signature is stored by Payworks and can be recalled at any time.
  • You will get the message “Payment successful.”
  • The bill is printed automatically and is ultimately the customer receipt.

How does contactless payment (NFC) work?

  • The amount of the invoice is displayed on the card reader
  • Then, you hold the NFC-compatible card at the top of the card reader, where the 4 LEDs are. Contactless payments up to 50 euros are generally possible without a PIN, but limits may vary by bank and occasionally a PIN is required for security reasons.
  •  You will get the message “Payment successful.”
  • The bill is printed automatically and is ultimately the customer receipt.

A bill paid by card has been reopened. What do I have to take into account?

When you reopen a table (= restore a bill) that has been paid by card, the amount will be automatically charged back to the cardholder. Therefore, your orderbird POS will always print a chargeback receipt, and you must re-bill this table.

If you have any issues or questions regarding one payment, don't hesitate to get in touch with us at

Benefit from the fully integrated card payment solution

Exclusively from orderbird with Full Integration and Maximum Benefits: The Pay Terminal Plus

Did you know that by purchasing the Pay Terminal Plus directly from orderbird, you can enjoy all the benefits of complete integration? This allows you to take full advantage of numerous features that not only make your daily work easier but also more efficient and cost-effective.

For more information, feel free to contact us at: