To get started quickly with card payment with orderbird PRO, you can organize the following documents in advance and have them ready. Just look for the correct company type …
For sole proprietorship/solo traders
For the registration, we need the following personal details of the owner:
- Name
- current residential address
- date of birth
- Nationality
Additionally, the following data of the owner:
- Tax ID
- ID card
What you will do at the end:
- Perform IDent
- make the final signature
For the registration, we need the following data of all partners
- name
- current residential address
- date of birth
- nationality
- percentage share
Additionally, the following data of the shareholders:
- Tax ID of the company
- Shareholders' agreement, if available
- Details of the authorized signatories (sole or joint)
Finally, all authorized signatories will have to:
- Perform IDent
- Provide signature
Limited liability company, UG, AG, OHG
Simple partnership (Einfache Gesellschaft)
For the registration of a simple partnership (with up to 3 beneficial owners/natural persons) we need the following information:
Details of the beneficial owners
- Name
- current residential address
- date of birth
- nationality
- Information on the percentage share of the company
- Commercial register number
Newly founded? Then send us alternatively an extract from the commercial register or a notarized certificate of incorporation - IBAN
- Do you not have a beneficial owner with you? Then you have to name a representative, for example, the managing director.
What all authorized signatories will do in the end
- perform IDent
- provide the final signature(s)
Complex company
For the registration of so-called complex societies, you need
- a complete organizational chart of the company.
- Information on all beneficial owners of the partnerships/ partner company.
For the registration, we need the following information of all the beneficial owners, that is with more than 25% voting or capital shares
- Name
- Current residential address
- Date of birth
- Nationality
- Percentage share information
What all authorized signers will do in the end
- perform IDent
- provide the final signature(s)
Information about the association
- Association register number, alternatively send your statutes to
Beneficial owners with precisely 25% voting or capital shares?
Should you only have beneficial owners with precisely 25% voting or capital shares in your association, you have to name a representative, e.g., the first chairman or treasurer.