What does the obligation to issue receipts mean for me?

Written by Jens B.

Last published at: May 7th, 2024

From 01.01.2020 the cash security regulation ("Kassensicherungsverordnung", short: KassenSichV) in Germany applies and with it the obligation to issue receipts ("Belegausgabepflicht"). You are legally obliged to offer every invoice in printed or digital form to your customers

In a nutshell

  • From 01.01.2020 you must always offer your customers a generated invoice, whether printed or digital
  • Your invoice must have a correct invoice header including all relevant details: The name of the permanent establishment, complete address and tax number or VAT-ID ("USt.-Id.")
  • All relevant settings are made in the orderbird app AND on my.orderbird.com!

Step by step

Be on the safe side and check the following:

  1. Is your invoice header in the app up-to-date?
  2. Is your invoice header on my.orderbird up-to-date?
  3. Do you want to work mainly with printed invoices? Then activate receipt printing in the quick payment of orderbird POS.
  4. You want to work primarily with digital receipts via e-mail? This is how you send your invoices by e-mail.

Any further questions?

How high are the penalties for non-compliance?

At the Federal Ministry of Finance (BMF) it says:

"The violation of the obligation to issue receipts is not subject to a fine. However, it could be taken as an indication that the obligation to keep records has not been complied with."
(own translation)

“Der Verstoß gegen die Belegausgabepflicht ist nicht bußgeldbewährt. Er könnte aber als Indiz dafür gewertet werden, dass den Aufzeichnungspflichten nicht entsprochen wurde."

Source: https://www.bundesfinanzministerium.de/Content/DE/FAQ/2019-11-19-steuergerechtigkeit-belegpflicht.html, last access: 25.11.2019)

Can I be exempted from the obligation to issue receipts?

Look at this: Can I be exempted from the obligation to produce receipts?

Further information

On our blog we inform you extensively about the obligation to issue receipts. Read more here: Obligation to issue receipts in the gastronomy sector (German only)

You will find further information on the obligation to issue receipts on the pages of the BMF (German Version).

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